Talk zu Suchmaschinenoptimierung

11. 4. 2015 – SEO Talk at Vienna WordPress WordCamp

Versäumen Sie nicht meinen Talk beim WordCamp Vienna 2015:

„How to seduce Google with your WordPress Site“

Vienna WordPress Camp – 11. April 2015

Ort: Universität Wien, Währingerstrasse 29, 1090 Wien

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2 Kommentare
  1. Jeremy Chinquist
    Jeremy Chinquist sagte:

    Hi Bruce,

    Thank you for the presenation – well done and for SEO minded people, I espeically liked your statement „use friends and customers to ask them which terms they use“. It is a great tip.

    In your presentation you mentioned lazy loading of images in WordPress. Can you go a little more in depth, which lazy loading plugins are your picks: a3 lazy load, advanced lazy load, lazy load xt, wp-lazy load, etc.

    Thank you,


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