Blue Danube Musik Impressario

1080 Wien
  • Webdesign
  • SEO
  • Schulung

We have worked with Bruce Jackson and his company, SEO Coach, for about four years now. During this time, we have seen our base of customers and clients develop in ways Mr Jackson said they would. He has designed and been available for improvements and troubleshooting with our two websites and is consulting now with us on a third.
We always hear back from Mr. Jackson within a day or so of our phone calls or email. We find him to be exceptionally knowledgeable about the most recent developments in website design, rankings on search engines, e-commerce, and all things related to the internet — tablets, smartphones, etc. Because of Bruce’s very reasonable rates and cost-effectiveness, our advertising budget has declined while our sales have picked up.

We highly recommend Bruce Jackson and SEO Coach to any companies and individuals hoping to improve their visibility and sales via the internet and mobile devices.

Blue Danube Impressario Vienna - Blue Danube Musik Impresario